Installation on UNIX and UNIX-like OSes

This package uses the standard autoconf/automake mechanism. Unpack the source code, then change to the directory and run configure and make. configure supports the following extra arguments:

  • --enable-debug (default: disabled) create binaries with debugging information
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

Installing and running the example web application

The example comes with a ready-to-go apache2 configuration, configured daemons and a start script. It assumes that it is running on "". As this domain name is a reserved name that has actually no content on the internet, it is safe to hook it to your local machine.

It is highly recommended to specity the target DOMAIN you wish to install this example to. DOMAIN in this context means the name of the web application. By specifying different DOMAINs, you can have several web applications installed on the same machine.

The directories in which the example is installed must be: /opt/DOMAIN and /var/opt/DOMAIN

Assuming your apache2 runs on your local machine too, take the following steps: (using DOMAIN=wafpp)

1. Build and install the example:

$ cd example
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/wafpp --localstatedir=/var/opt/wafpp
$ make
$ sudo make install

2. Create a new entry in /etc/hosts that resolves to your local host

3. Link the apache2 configuration to the active sites and reload apache2 configuration

# ln -s /opt/wafpp/etc/apache2.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/009-wafpp
# /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

4. Start up the daemons

# /opt/wafpp/init.d/wafpp start

5. Open your web browser and navigate to: You should see the example web application.

Installation on Windows

Build tool is Microsoft Visual Studio / Visual C++ 2010. There are still some issues, mainly related to Xalan and Xerces not available for this version of Visual Studio. The following environment variables must be set before starting Visual Studio:

  • fcgi_root path to the FastCGI installation
  • gettext_root path to the gettext installation
  • openssl_root path to the OpenSSL installation
  • xalanc_root path to the Xalan-C installation
  • xercesc_root path to the Xerces-C installation


Building: run visual studio, open the solution file win32\wafpp.sln and build the solution. Note that not all file compile and link due to problems with third party software. The binary versions of Xerces and Xalan mentoned above are too old for the linker that comes with MSVC 2010, apparently name decoration rules have changed so the linker does not find all the symbols. Building Xerces and Xalan from source would be an option, however the source code of Xalan does not compile with MSVC 2010. Also, Xalan only works with Xerces 2, not with Xerces 3. Because Xerces 3 does compile with MSVC 2010 and there are even binary distributions available, the best thing to do would be to first invest some time making a Xalan version that is compatible with Xerces 3.x and compiles well with MSVC 2010. After that make changes to wafpp so that it supports both Xerces 2 and Xerces 3 and both Xalan 1.10 and the new Xalan version.